About me
Sit down, and let's do this over a cuppa coffee, savvy?
Bella ciao bella ciao bella ciao ciao ciao!
I am a coffee enthusiast, solemnly addicted to espresso and frappuccino. Italian espresso is my all time favourite, along with hershey's nuggets. Then the next favourite cup to brew is the vanilla latte frappuccino with extra butterscotch gelato, strong. And I am absolutely obsessed with butterscotch ice cream; the sticky, nutty-gritty texture from the praline crush melts in my mouth, and the fatty creamy base coats the insides of your cheeks in sugar rush. I even write about it everywhere. See? I have lived twenty two summers and fourteen days, yet still I enjoy life like a seven year old.
Okay, jokes aside. I write articles, and memors in my free time, I have lots of it... hehe. Okay! I work as a marketing specialist for an interior design company.
I design graphics for people.